
Cork Cricket Club

MCU Umpire Course – 6th & 7th April in Adare

This is an initial notice that it is intended to run a Level 1 umpire course on the weekend of Saturday April 6th and Sunday April 7th in the Limerick area with the venue likely to be the Woodlands hotel in Adare.

The course will cost circa €50 per candidate. I am saying circa as this is dependent on the number of candidates. A minimum of 12 is required for the course to go ahead. There may be a number of the candidates who took last year’s course in Cork who require to resit the exam and they may attend on the second day for a fee of €10. Course fee covers course materials and a light lunch on both days.

This is being run in the Limerick area to facilitate candidates from the west of the province as umpires from clubs in the western half of the province are urgently required.

Candidates should indicate their intention to attend ASAP – we need to know numbers by this Friday March 22nd.

Further details to follow once numbers of candidates are known.

For further information or to book your place contact Jim Doran

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