
Cork Cricket Club

RIP Richard (Dick) Creedon

Cork County wish to convery its sincerest condolences to the family of former committee member and familiar face at the Mardyke, Richard (Dick) Creedon, who passed away suddenly earlier this week. Dick was heavily involved in developing youth cricket at the club over recent years and his son Oliver went on to represent Cork County at all levels. A popular figure in and around the clubhouse, Dick could often be found discussing the fortunes of Manchester United and the achievements of one of his beloved children. He’ll be sadly missed!

Requiem Mass will be held at St. Mary’s Church, Innishannon at 12 noon on Friday. Funeral afterwards to St. James’ Cemetery, Chetwynd. House is in Crossbarry Village and will be signposted.

Full details of his funeral arrangements can be viewed on rip.ie

May he rest in peace. #RIP

RIP Richard (Dick) Creedon
Dick Creedon pictured with Morne Bauer at the 2013 Annual Club Dinner


5 Responses to “RIP Richard (Dick) Creedon”

  1. Dominic Creedon says:

    Cork County Cricket Club thank you for your condolences, it is greatly appreciated by the Creedon family.

  2. joe creedon says:

    thanks to all at cork cricket for your support at my brother dicks funeral your friendship was appreciated by all of dicks family sincerely joe

  3. Georgina Harrison, nee Ralphs says:

    Please offer my condolences to Oliver, Richard and Sinead, whom I have not seen in many years, of a time when Richard senior was consultant at Tameside Hospital. My colleagues and I have fond memories of looking after Oliver whilst he did his ward rounds at the weekend.

    He and his family will always remain in our hearts,

    All our love

    Ward 2 and clinic 10 Tameside Hospital, Lancashire, England

  4. Dr.David Vann says:

    I first met Dick in Feb ‘91 when I was ahouseman in Beaumont Hospital. I used to sneak into the weekly Orthopedic meetings held at the Mater Hospital in Dublin. He interviewed me for my post as an SHO in Cappagh Orthopedic Hospital in Dublin. He was my Senior Registrar and I learned a lot from him. Sheila was a staff nurse there. I am truly saddened to hear of their premature passing.

  5. Jeremy Ridge says:

    I am sorry to be late with this appreciation. I was at alternative Reqiuem Mass in London recently when many long standing friends and colleagues enquired after Dick. I then realised it was some time since we spoke. I, along with many, was devastated at the news when I finally came across this website.
    I first met Dick when we were SHO’s together at the Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital, Stanmore in 1981. We immediately forged a close friendship during his London days. Later I visited him when he was living in Maynouth and it was there I first met Sheila. Our friendship continued when he moved initially to Greenfield then later, Delph just over the Pennines from where I was practising in West Yorkshire.
    A better friend you would take a lifetime to meet, he was always a source of immense fun, a room was seldom quiet when he was in it.
    I should greatly value contact from either Oliver Richard or Sinead to reassure me that these extra words on behalf of me and others in the UK of how highly esteemed their father was regarded, have been read by them.
    If there is anything to learn from this by those who care and value true friendship, please get a grip and execute the platitudes often voiced “we must meet up” with greater resolve than me. Procrastination is the thief of time.