Net Bay Safety Guidelines
These guidelines apply to all members of Cork County Cricket Club who make use of the net bays during organised practice sessions and outside normal practice sessions. Non-members are not permitted to use the net bays without the express permission of a Committee member, coach or team captain.
Kit & Equipment Rules
- No kit bags on the artificial playing surface, or within the hitting direction of practice.
- Wear suitable footwear i.e. rubber-soled cricket shoes or trainers. NO SPIKES!!!
- Batters working with a hard ball must wear adequate protection (i.e. helmet, box, pads, gloves, etc).
- Anyone using the nets under the age of 18 must wear full protective kit whilst batting in the nets (i.e. helmet, pads, gloves, box, etc). All under 18s MUST bat in a helmet.
- No footballs, rugby balls, etc to be used in the nets.
Net Safety Rules
- No spectators are to be in the nets – allowed to observe from behind or to the side of the nets.
- Batters should only pad up outside the net area.
- Bowlers should only bowl when the batter is ready and should face the batter at all times. They should not bowl if a loose ball is in the net.
- When waiting for an opportunity to bowl – always face the batter and never have your back turned.
- Balls should be returned immediately to the bowler by the batsman and not left to lie loose in the net.
- Balls must be retrieved from the side netting carefully – check no one is bowling in the net next to you. Once safe remove the ball from the net and give it to the bowler.
- Any damage to the net area must be reported to the groundsman or team captain/coach immediately.
- Any injuries must be reported immediately.
Nets used for arranged practice sessions
- Before practice commences coaches and/or captains MUST ensure a safe environment.
- All players using the net practice must behave in a proper and correct manner.
- Do not attend a practice session if asked not to do so by the coach or captain.
Nets used by members outside normal practice sessions
- The club will not accept responsibility for unaccompanied children using the nets facility.
- Members under the age of 18 using the net facility are the responsibility of their parents/guardians/carers.
- The nets must be left in the condition they were found with stumps left in appropriate positions and any rubbish removed.
By order of the Committee of Cork County Cricket Club