
Cork Cricket Club


Posts Tagged ‘direct provision centre cork’

Kit Donation to Cork Direct Provision Centre

Saturday, January 19th, 2019

Following a recent appeal on Twitter from Roos Demol (@vlnierland) and Deirdre O’Shaughnessy (@deshocks) looking for cricket equipment for residents at the Direct Provision Centre on the Kinsale Road, a number of members got together to gather up old equipment to donate. 

A big thanks for Andy Wootton, in particular, who donated a significant amount of old bats, pads & cricketing accessories. Also a special mention to Abdul Jabbar Younus, Scot McNamara, Sean Cawley and Robert Duggan for donating other bits and pieces.  

Direct Provision Centre donation

There was great interest through social media with the guys from the Direct Provision Centre putting the new equipment to use immediately once they returned to their residence on the Kinsale Road. It is hoped to continue to liaise with the group with coaching to be organised over the coming months in the lead up to the season. #WeAreCounty