
Cork Cricket Club


Posts Tagged ‘fundraising raffle’

2020 Christmas Raffle Results

Monday, December 21st, 2020

The draw for the 2020 Christmas Raffle took place in the surroundings of the old Pavilion at the Mardyke on Sunday, 20th December, at 8 p.m. 

There was an overwhelming response to this year’s raffle with members and supporters getting involved in the organisation and purchase of tickets which was great to see. With the proceeds going towards a worthwhile cause and some fantastic prizes up for grabs, then anticipation was high ahead of the big draw.

MC on the night Andy Wootton was ably assisted by Talha Kayani, Kevin O’Sullivan and Abdul Jabbar Younus who took care of proceedings to announce the various winners of the raffle. The winners were selected by using an online number randomizer to void any suggestions of impropriety or Russian interference! ๐Ÿ™‚ 

The winners were drawn in reverse order starting with the 10th prize and working its way up to the main prize of a 2 night B&B stay at The River Lee Hotel.

The winners were as follows:

  1. 2-night stay at The River Lee Hotel – Bilal Ahsan
  2. Complimentary Club Membership – Veena O’Sullivan
  3. โ‚ฌ150 Meadows & Byrne Voucher – Abubakar Saddique
  4. โ‚ฌ150 Vanilla Boutique Voucher – Tara Rahman
  5. Sunglasses from Kennedy’s Opticians – Matt Reed
  6. 12-month Pass for Blarney Castle & Gardens – Michael Stout
  7. Pirahna Cricket equipment – Steve Ross
  8. Selection of wines – Ross Durity
  9. Afternoon Tea at The Metropole Hotel – Matt Reed
  10. Uni Salon hair products – Desmond Lucey

The winners will be contacted individually to arrange delivery of the various prizes.

A huge thanks to all involved in organising and taking part in the quiz. Our original target of โ‚ฌ1,500 was smashed with the club raising โ‚ฌ 2,705 towards the construction of two permanent net bays in the southeastern corner of the grounds with work due to start in the spring once the ground dries up.

Club Fundraising Raffle Draw Update

Wednesday, April 15th, 2015

Reminder that the Club Fundraising Raffle Draw takes place on Saturday 2nd May after the game with YMCA. We need all ticket stubs and money returned by Wednesday 29th April. Please leave at the club for the attention of David Griffin. David has still got more tickets available if anyone thinks they can sell more.

We now have 118 completed Topaz cards back which is 40% of our target of 300 . Completed cards need to be returned by no later than Tuesday 5th May as they have to be submitted to Topaz by 10 May to qualify for the โ‚ฌ250 payment and the draw for additional funds. If needed you can get additional cards from the club or at any Topaz Station. Again please leave completed cards at the club for the attention of David Griffin.

Club Fundraising Raffle Draw

2015 Cork County Club Raffle

Thursday, February 26th, 2015

Cork County’s Annual Club Raffle returns for 2015 with some wonderful prizes on offer including a hotel break in London (courtesy of the Doyle Collection), an overnight stay at The Connacht Hotel in Galway, B&B + Dinner at the Club’s main sponsor, The River Lee Hotel in Cork, plus lots of other great prizes on offer! Raffle tickets will be available from the Club Bar or from most Club members. All proceeds go to funding cricketing activities throughout the long season ahead!

2015 Cork County Club Raffle

Buying Tickets:

Raffle tickets will be available from the Club Bar at the Mardyke or from most Club members including:

David Griffin

Tel: 087-1467903 Email: dmagriffin6@hotmail.com

Andy Wootton

Tel: 086-4685150 Email: woottonandy@yahoo.co.uk

Abdul Jabbar Younus

Tel: 086-0680951 Email: jabbar_us@hotmail.com

Matt Reed

Tel: 087-9086280 Email: mattbillreed@gmail.com

John Simon

Tel: 087-2256603 Email: johnsimon381@gmail.com

Scot Jeffers

Tel: 086-4112636

For more information, please contact the Club on 021-4272569ย or corkcountycc@gmail.com.